Perennial herb often forming large mats; rootstock often thick and rather woody; stems glabrous, creeping below and often rooting at the nodes.. Stipules glabrous, up to ± 8 mm. long, half of this sheathing and half the free lanceolate tips ending in filiform points; leaflets cuneate-obovate, truncate or ernarginate, 2–9 mm. long and up to 5 mm. wide, glabrous; main nerves 6–9 on each side, at an angle of up to 30° with the midrib.. Inflorescences ± 30-flowered, subcapitate, hemispherical, up to 18 mm. across; rhachis 1–3 mm. long; peduncle fulvous pilose, up to 6 cm. long; bracts white, up to 2 mm. long, linear-lanceolate or sometimes the lowest broad and divided into linear-lanceolate lobes; pedicels fulvous pilose, ± 1 mm. long, not reflexed in fruit.. Calyx sparsely golden-pilose, 11-nerved, the commissural nerves when present undivided to the top; tube ± 2·5 mm. long; teeth subulate, 4–5 mm. long.. Corolla purple; standard oblanceolate, ± 9 mm. long.. Stamens ± 6 mm. long.. Ovary with a stipe ± 0·6 mm. long; ovules 2.. Pod glabrous, usually 1-seeded, ± 2·5 by 1·8 mm.. Seed brown, ± 1·6 by 1·1 mm.; hilum lateral.