Plants with strands of old leaves at base, (5--)10--15(--20) cm. Leaves curving outward from sheath at 30--50° angle, slender, almost terete, equaling or slightly longer than scapes, (5--)10--15(--20) cm; sheath 12.5--21 1.8----3 mm, ligule often hoodlike, apically 2-lobed; blade 0.5--1 mm wide, apex acute. Inflorescences: scapes often purple near base, (5--)10--15(--20) cm 0.5--1(--1.5) mm; thick; racemes (2--)3--5(--7) cm; pedicels 1.4--4 0.1 mm. Flowers: tepals somewhat rounded, 1.2--1.5 1.1--1.8 mm, apex obtuse; pistils (3--)6--(9--12), 6 fertile. Fruits: fruiting receptacle without wings; schizocarps linear, 3--4 1 mm; mericarps linear, weakly ridged, 3--4 1 mm, beak recurved, 0.9--1 mm. 2n = 96.