Trigonachras Radlk.


Angiosperms > Sapindales > Sapindaceae


Trees, monoecious. Indumentum of solitary simple hairs only. Leaves paripinnate, 1-9-jugate; no pseudo-stipules; neither petiole nor rachis winged. Leaflets opposite to alternate, pergamentaceous; margin entire; upper surface without wax, below sometimes with brownish glands in axils of nerves, without papillae; midrib above prominulous; nerves prominulous on both sides. Inflorescences axillary, together usually pseudoterminal, thyrsoid, hairy, ± glabrescent; cymes lax, 1-or few-flowered. Flowers regular, unisexual. Sepals 5, free, slightly imbricate, all about equal or sometimes the outer two slightly smaller, sometimes thinned out to the margin, no glands, margin entire. Petals 5, longer than the calyx, distinctly clawed; claw densely ciliate; blade entire, inside with (1 or) 2 erect, densely woolly, not crested scales nearly as long as the blade. Disc uninterrupted, annular, ± thick, glabrous. Stamens (7) 8 (9), in male flowers long exserted; filaments filiform, broadened to the base; anthers obovoid, dehiscence latero-introrse to la-trorse. Pistil sessile, densely hairy; ovary 3-locular with 1 ovule per locule; septa complete; style apical, about as long as the ovary; stigma grooved or slightly lobed. Fruits distinctly stipitate, capsular, loculicidal, dehiscing into 3 equal valves, not winged, smooth, outside minutely hairy or glabrous, inside usually densely and woolly hairy; pericarp hard-fleshy. Seeds ellipsoid, testa smooth, shining, black to brown; hilum nearly basal, elliptic, fairly big, but covering less than one third of seed; no arillode.
Tree, up to 20 m high, dbh up to 40 cm. Twigs terete, c. 8 mm diam., dark grey, glabrous. Leaves 5-jugate; petiole terete, c. 9.5 cm long by 2.5 mm thick; petiolules above broadly shallowly grooved, 12-15 mm long. Leaflets (sub)opposite, elliptic, 11-15 by 5-6 cm, index 2-3, straight to subfal-cate, pergamentaceous, glabrous, some glands in the lower nerve axils below; base hardly oblique, acute, attenuate; apex acute or the very apex rounded; nerves 1.75-2.25 cm apart, spreading, moderately curved, ending free; reticulation rather coarse, beneath more prominent than above. Inflorescences and flowers unknown. Infructescences pseudoterminal, c. 30 cm long, hardly branched, puberulous, glabrescent. Fruits globular, 3-3.25 by 2.25-2.5 cm, abruptly narrowed into a c. 5 mm long stipe, apiculate, slightly wrinkled, glabrous; wall fleshy, 1-2 mm thick; endocarp densely woolly. Seeds unknown.
Tree, 30 m high, dbh up to 35 cm. Twigs terete, c. 5 mm diam., grey, glabrous. Leaves 3-5-jugate; petiole terete, 3.5-4 cm long by 1.5-2 mm thick; petiolules above slightly grooved, 3-9 mm long. Leaflets opposite, elliptic, 5-10 by 1.75-4 cm, index 2 5-3, slightly falcate, stiff-pergamentaceous, glabrous, without glands; base hardly to distinctly oblique, acute, strongly attenuate; apex acute; nerves 1-1.5 cm apart, spreading, straight, ending free; reticulation coarse, on both sides prominulous. Inflorescences pseudoterminal, 12-15 cm long, in fruit sparsely branched, fairly densely pu-berulous. Flowers only known from remains under the fruit. Sepals outside sparsely, inside densely hairy. Fruits (probably young) 3-angular-obovoid, c. 2.75 by 1.5 cm, narrowed to the base, apiculate, glabrous; wall somewhat fleshy, at least 1 mm thick, endocarp densely woolly.
Tree, 25 m high, dbh up to 65 cm; with buttresses. Twigs terete, c. 4 mm diam., brownish black, subtomentellous, early glabrescent. Leaves 7-jugate; petiole subterete, c. 5 cm long by 2 mm thick; petiolules above slightly grooved, 3-5 mm long. Leaflets (sub)opposite, ovate, 7.5-11.5 by 3-4 cm, index 2.5-3, slightly falcate, membranous (young?), above glabrous, beneath tomentellous on the midrib, small glands in the lower nerve axils; base oblique, basiscopic side acute and strongly attenuate, ascroscopic side rounded and hardly attenuate; apex tapering into acute acumen; nerves c. 1 cm apart, straight to slightly curved, ending free; reticulation above dense, beneath coarse, on both sides prominulous. Inflorescences and flowers unknown. Fruits triangular ellipsoid, c. 3 by 2 cm, stipitate, apiculate, wrinkled, glabrous.
Life form -
Growth form tree
Growth support -
Foliage retention -
Sexuality monoecy
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) 25.0
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color -
Blooming months -
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 9-12


Uses -
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Trigonachras world distribution map, present in Indonesia, Iceland, Malaysia, Philippines, and Papua New Guinea


WFO ID wfo-4000039141
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR)



Lower taxons

Trigonachras papuensis Trigonachras acuta Trigonachras cuspidata Trigonachras postardanjeisin Trigonachras cultrata Trigonachras celebensis