Shrubs, scandent or reclinate. Leaves short-petiolate; stipules interpetiolar, deciduous, simple or bifid at apex, free. Inflorescences thyrsiform, with untimate divisions consisting of cymes. Flowers small, irregular, mostly white; sepals con-nate at base, unequal, 2 inner larger; petals distinct, very unequal, the posterior one largest, spurred or saccate, pilose in throat of spur, blade reflexed, the 2 anterior ascending, inequilateral, narrow, barbate above the base, the 2 others smaller, approximate and keel-like; stamens 10, but usually only 6 fertile, opposite anterior petals, the anthers oblong; disc glands 2-4 or a crenate crest opposite the posterior petal; ovary ovoid or subglobose, attenuate to the style, hirsute. Capsule 3-angulate, often hairy outside and often also within, with several compressed-globose seeds in each cell.