Tree, monoecious. Indumentum of solitary, simple hairs only. Leaves paripinnate. 3-7-jugate, without pseudo-stipules, neither petiole nor rachis winged. Leaflets opposite to alternate, not papillate beneath, velutinous beneath and on midrib and nerves above, gla-brescent above; base oblique, the acroscopic side broadest. Inflorescences terminal and in the upper leaf-axils, thyrsoid; bracts conspicuous, up to c. 6 mm long; cymules up to c. 7-flowered. Flowers actinomorphic, unisexual, male and female in the same inflorescences. Sepals 5, free, imbricate, outer 2 slightly smaller, the inner more or less petaloid towards the margin, outside and inside densely appressedly short-hairy. Petals absent. Disc uninterrupted, woolly to glabrous, without appendages. Stamens 8 or 9, exserted in male flowers; filaments densely patent hairy at base; anthers glabrous (in female flowers ciliate), dehiscing latero-introrse. Ovary short-stipitate, smooth, densely fulvous-pilose, 3-locular, tapering into the terminal style; latter slightly longer than the ovary and sparsely appressed-hairy, bearing in the upper part 3 stigmatic grooves; ovules 1 per locule. Fruit indehiscent, sessile or stipitate, trigonous-ellipsoid to-globular, slightly grooved, winged; latter higher than broad; exocarp coriaceous (thin-fleshy when fresh), mesocarp fibrous-woody, endocarp hard-woody, inside rather densely white woolly. Seeds glabrous, without arillode, not winged.