Trees to 30m; trunk to 1. diam.; crown broadly conic. Bark brownish, scaly and fissured. Twigs yellow-brown, densely pubescent. Buds ovoid, 1.5--2.5mm. Leaves (5--)15--20(--25)mm, mostly appearing 2-ranked, flattened; abaxial surface glaucous, with 2 broad, conspicuous stomatal bands, adaxial surface shiny green (yellow-green); margins minutely dentate, especially toward apex. Seed cones ovoid, 1.5--2.5 ´ 1--1.5cm; scales ovate to cuneate, 8--12 ´ 7--10mm, apex ± round, often projected outward. 2 n =24.
Tree to 30 m, the leader nodding; twigs pubescent; lvs 8–15 mm, blunt, usually minutely spinulose on the margin, twisted at the petiolar base to form flat sprays; cones thickly ellipsoid, 12–20 mm, scales persistently erect or ascending, the exposed portion of the middle ones distinctly broader than long. Moist soil, esp. on rocky ridges and hillsides; N.S. to Mich., Wis., and occasionally Minn., s. to N.J., Del., O., and Ind., and in the mts. to Ga. and Ala.