Plants dull blue-green above, pale tan below, often pale yellow-green or in some environments all yellow, frequently finely white-powdered with calcareous deposit. Stems 0.5-1(-2) cm, irregularly branched, central strand weak; etomentose. Leaves linear-lanceolate, occasionally strap-shaped, 2-2.7(-4) mm; proximal region not differentiated or short-ovate, margins plane, entire, sinuate or shallowly sinuate-notched, apex long and narrowly acuminate, weakly channeled; costa short to long excurrent as a stout, sharp, conical mucro or subula, rarely subpercurrent; proximal laminal cells 12-17 µm wide, 2-3:1; distal laminal cells irregularly rounded-quadrate to angular-hexagonal, often horizontally elongate, (7-)10-12 µm wide, 1:1(-2), evenly thick-walled, superficial walls with thickenings forming high knobs or pads, marginal laminal cells not differentiated from medial cells or somewhat smaller, smooth or low-papillose, papillae when present massive, compounded of blunt lobes, centered over the cell, 1-2(-3) per lumen. Sporophytes not known from North America.