Turraea obtusifolia Hochst.


Angiosperms > Sapindales > Meliaceae > Turraea


Shrub, scrambler, 0.6-5.0 m high. Leaves in fascicles, variable, ± cuneate-obovate or lobed in upper 1/3, up to 50 mm long, glabrous beneath, apex acute to emarginate. Flowers in 1-4-flowered, axillary cymes. Petals narrowly spathulate, pure white. Staminal tube cylindric. Ovary 5-locular, style exserted, straight, style head turbinate or cylindric. Flowering time Sept.-Mar. Fruit a 5-valved capsule, thinly woody. Seeds 2 in each locule, red, depressed-globose; aril vestigial, confined to adaxial surface.
Shrub 0.6-5 m high, sometimes scrambling. Leaves mostly in fascicles, lamina very variable, from narrowly oblanceolate and unlobed to cuneate-obovate and deeply lobed. Inflorescence: a 1-4-flowered axillary cyme. Petals pure white, narrowly spathulate, 25 x 3-45 x 5 mm. Ovary 5-locular, glabrous. Capsule 6 x 12 mm, depressed-globose, shallowly sulcate. Seeds 5.5 x 3.5 mm, bright red; aril small, white, fleshy, almost confined to the adaxial depression and not visible from the outside.
Leaves mostly in fascicles; lamina very variable in shape and size, up to 5 × 2·5 cm., usually smaller, oblanceolate to narrowly obovate, lower surface glabrous, apex subacuminate to emarginate, sometimes shallowly 3-lobed, base decurrent almost to the base of the petiole; petiole very short or absent.
Staminal tube 2·5–3·2 cm. long, cylindric, glabrous inside; appendages in pairs, alternating with the anthers, 1·5–2 mm. long, glabrous outside; filaments fused beyond the insertion of the appendages to form a short frill continuing the staminal tube.
Shrub, up to 5 m high. Leaves mostly fascicled, lamina up to 50 mm long, glabrous beneath. Calyx cup-shaped. Petals longer than 30 mm. Capsule 5-valved, thinly woody. Flowers white.
Ovary 5-locular, glabrous; style 2·7–3·3 cm. long; style-head broadly obovoid-cylindric, widest at the apex, exserted up to 3 mm. beyond the base of the staminal appendages.
Shrub up to 3 m. tall, sometimes scrambling; first-year branchlets puberulous with spreading hairs, second-year more sparsely so, reddish-brown or grey.
Capsule 5 × 10–13 mm., depressed-globose, shallowly sulcate, leathery, glabrous; aril vestigial, confined to the adaxial surface; testa red.
Inflorescence axillary, 1–3-flowered; peduncles 5–8 mm. long; bracts very small, 1 mm. long, subulate.
Petals 3–3·6 × 0·5 cm., linear to linear-spathulate, glabrous outside.
Calyx 3–5 mm. long, lobes pubescent.
Flowers pure white.
Life form perennial
Growth form shrub
Growth support climber
Foliage retention -
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) 1.8 - 5.0
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color
Blooming months -
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture 7-8
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 9-12


Uses medicinal
Edible -
Therapeutic use Cathartics (bark), Gastrointestinal diseases (bark), Stomach diseases (bark), Cathartics (leaf), Gastrointestinal diseases (leaf), Stomach diseases (leaf), Cathartics (root), Gastrointestinal diseases (root), Stomach diseases (root), Purgative (unspecified)
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Turraea obtusifolia unspecified picture


Turraea obtusifolia world distribution map, present in Botswana, Mozambique, eSwatini, South Africa, and Zimbabwe

Conservation status

Turraea obtusifolia threat status: Least Concern


LSID urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:579808-1
WFO ID wfo-0001083548
Wikipedia (EN)
Wikipedia (FR)


Rutaea obtusifolia Turraea obtusifolia Turraea oblancifolia Turraea obtusifolia var. microphylla