Staminal tube 1·2–1·4 cm. long, distally expanded, bearded at the throat with long hairs arising mostly from the filaments and a few from the appendages, otherwise glabrous inside; appendages irregularly 1–3-lobed, alternate with or opposite the anthers, fused in lower half to form a frill continuing the staminal tube beyond insertion of filaments.
Shrub or small to medium-sized tree (1) 2–8 (16) m. tall, sometimes weak-stemmed and scrambling; first-year branchlets densely puberulous, second-year almost glabrous, reddish-brown or purple-brown, often with conspicuous white or pale brown lenticels.
Leaf-lamina up to 10 × 7 cm., mostly obovate or obovate-elliptic, lower surface shortly pubescent and with tufts of hairs in axils of secondary nerves, apex rounded to apiculate, base cuneate; petiole up to 1·8 cm. long.
Inflorescence a terminal or axillary congested cyme or false raceme; peduncle 3–4·5 cm. long, stout; bracts usually 3–4 to each flower, the longest up to 1·5 cm. long, foliaceous; pedicels 1–1·5 cm. long.
Petals 12–14 × 4 mm., creamy white tinged with green, becoming yellowish with age, spathulate, pubescent outside.
Ovary 10–12-locular, densely pilose; style 1·5–2·2 cm. long, pilose at base; style-head broadly ovoid-cylindric.
Capsule 6 × 10 mm., depressed-globose, shallowly sulcate, woody, puberulous; aril covering half the seed.
Calyx 5–8 mm. long, deeply lobed, tomentellous.