Sprawling, succulent shrub, up to 0.3 m tall, with branches 15-45 mm thick, with scattered, blunt phyllopodia. Leaves dry at flowering, oblanceolate, dorsiventrally flattened, 40-80 x 5-15 mm, usually glabrous. Flowers upright to spreading, in a showy, glandular-pubescent to glabrous inflorescence, with peduncle 0.2-0.5 m long, corolla tube 30-40 mm long, broadening towards mouth, orange to red, lobes 13-17 mm long, orange to red.
Succulent shrublet to 50 cm, often sprawling. Leaves dry at flowering, withering but not abscising, oblanceolate, margins often rolled upwards. Flowers in a narrow cyme, tubular, slightly zygomorphic, reddish, tube 30-40 mm.