Perennials with branched underground tubers and short erect stems up to 30 mm long covered with short pale phyllopodia. Leaves oblanceolate to spathulate, 5-25 x 2-8 mm, cuneate, usually obtuse, dorsiventrally compressed and slightly grooved above, glabrous, green. Inflorescence a flat-topped thyrse with one to several monochasia, each with 1-3 flowers, glandular-pubescent; peduncle 10-30(-50) mm long, pale; pedicels 4-8 mm long. Calyx 3.5-4.5 mm long, glandular-puberulous, yellowish green; lobes triangular-lanceolate, acute. Corolla glandular-pubescent, sulphur-yellow; tube cylindrical, 8-10 mm long, with few fine hairs on inside, mainly where filaments are fused to tube; lobes 4-6 mm long, recurved at apex. Anthers 1-1.2 mm long. Squamae oblong, 1-1.3 x 0.2-0.4 mm, more or less emarginate, slightly fleshy, yellow.