Tree to 15 m high. Leaves: lamina broadly ovate, elliptic or obovate, 6–12 cm long, 4–8 cm wide (to 18 × 12 cm in juvenile plants, sometimes as small as 5 × 3 cm in adult plants), rounded obtuse at base, entire margin, broadly obtuse to rounded apically, densely stellate-pubescent, especially below and when young; venation raised above and below, with 3 or 4 primary veins on each side of midrib. Inflorescence 3–7 cm long, usually many-flowered. Sepals densely pubescent, somewhat persistent; tube 8–10 mm long; lobes 4–6 m long. Petals somewhat spathulate, 16–20 mm long, deep pink; limb reflexed at anthesis. Androgynophore c. 2.5 cm long, curved and accrescent, becoming 3–4 cm long in fruit. Anthers light brown. Fruit ellipsoidal, 3–4 cm long, 2–2.5 cm wide.