Young branches with short ferruginous erect or appressed hairs. Leaf petioles terete or flattened above, tomentellous, 4-5 mm. long; blade chartaceous, above glabrous save for the minutely hairy glabrescent midrib, beneath hirsute-glabres-cent along the midrib, oblong-oblanceolate, broadest above the middle, shortly acute at the base, abruptly contracted at the tip with a cusp 1.0-1.5 cm. long, 15-20 cm. long and 4-5 cm. broad, the midrib elevated on both sides, the stronger veins about 15 on both sides, arcuately ascending and converging about 1-2 mm. from the margin, slender and prominent above. Inflorescences springing from the axils of fallen leaves; pedicels thick, ferruginous-sericeous, 7 mm. long or longer, articulated slightly above the base. Sepals free, rotund-ovate, acutish, about 2 mm. long. Petals stiff, blackening in desiccation, the outer rotund, about 7 mm. in diameter and ferruginous-sericeous without, the inner smaller, ferruginous-tomentose along the midrib. Stamens 1.8-2.0 mm. long, truncate at the tip. Ovaries 1.5 mm. long, prismatic and shortly strigose, tipped with a globose-ovoid stigma; ovules 3-4, lateral. (Fruit unknown.)