Leaves herbaceous, dark green, drying almost black, with a dense, whitish indumentum on the underside, 7.5–15 x 5–10.5 cm., ovate to elliptic, rarely obovate; apex acuminate; base cordate to subcordate; margin dentate to serrate; upper surface of lamina subscabrous, glabrous or with a few short, stiff hairs, cystoliths dot-like, lower surface with stinging hairs on the nerves and usually densely white-felted between the nerves, triplinerved, with the basal pair of nerves extending to the upper half to one third, midrib with 3–4 pairs of nerves above the basal pair.
Female inflorescences sessile or on peduncles up to c. 2 cm. long, up to 5 cm. in diam., with short rather fleshy branches, densely covered with stinging hairs; flowers sessile, in dense clusters, each surrounded by clusters of stinging hairs, perianth tubular, 4-merous, ovary enclosed except for a penicillate stigma.
Stems with reddish-brown, sometimes peeling bark, usually (especially on younger parts) with numerous fleshy protuberances up to 5 mm. long, crowned by a number of stinging hairs; young stems densely pubescent to hirtellous, older stems glabrescent.
Male inflorescences up to 10 cm. in diam., irregularly branched; peduncles 1–2 cm. long; flowers in dense clusters, pedicels c. 1 mm. long, perianth c. 1 mm. in diam., 5-merous.
Petiole 2.5–11.5 cm. long, usually densely covered with raised protuberances with stinging hairs.
Achene compressed, c. 1.5 mm. long, surrounded by the orange, accrescent perianth.
Stipules 0.5–1.0 cm. long, fused for at least two thirds.
Liana, climbing to 3 m. or higher.