Climbing shrub; branchlets slender, dark blackish-purple, rugulope, densely spotted with white lenticels, glabrous.. Only young foliage has been examined; leaf-blade elliptic, 3–4.3 cm. long, 1.6–2.3 cm. wide, rounded ? to acute at the apex, cuneate at the base, almost glabrous; petiole 2–4 mm. long with a very few golden stellate hairs.. Flowers solitary, extra-axillary, “yellow and red”; pedicels slender, 0.8–1.3 cm. long, glabrous.. Sepals triangular or triangular-reniform, free, 3–3.5 mm. long, 4–4.5 mm. wide, margins puberulous and sometimes with scattered stellate hairs outside.. Petals broadly elliptic, outer 8–9 mm. long, 7–8 mm. wide, inner with lamina 7 mm. long, 5–6 mm. wide, concave, and a distinct claw 2.5–3 mm. long which is tucked in right by the side of the stamens, sparsely puberulous.. Stamens 1.5 mm. long.. Carpels 6, 2–2.5 mm. long, pubescent; stigma ample, oblique.. Fruit not known.