Small tree. Young parts, calyx and ovary ± caducous buff cinereous; leaf buds, panicles and petals outside persistently so, otherwise glabrous. Twig c. 2 mm ø, slender, pale brown, sometimes chartaceous flaky, terete. Buds small, ovoid; stipules fugaceous. Leaves 7-24 by 2-9.5 cm, elliptic-lanceolate, thinly coriaceous; base +-narrowly cuneate, subdecurrent; acumen to 15 mm long, slender; nerves c. 5(-8) pairs, ascending, slender but distinctly elevated beneath, less so above, as also the midrib; tertiary nerves laxly reticulate, hardly elevated on either surface; petiole 8-12 mm long, c. mm ø, relatively short. Panicle to 5 cm long, terminal or axillary, shortly branched. Flower buds to 6 by 2 mm, fusiform; appendages very short, deltoid; style stoutly columnar, somewhat longer than ovary, expanding at base and at the prominent conical style; flowers otherwise typical. Fruit pedicel to 2 by 1 mm; calyx lobes to 10 by 8 mm, equal, elliptic, incrassate, smooth, lustrous, adnate to the 17 by 15 cm ovoid smooth apiculate nut.