Trees with sympodial branching and simple hairs. Leaves simple. Flowers usually bisexual, in pedunculate cymules. Calyx usually 4-or 5-lobed. Petals usually 4–6, free, usually imbricate. Staminal tube cylindrical or cyathiform with partly free filaments; anthers 9–23 at filament-tips. Disc obscure or absent. Ovary 2–6-locular, each locule with 1 or 2 collateral ovules or 4–10 in 2 rows; stylehead subdiscoid to capitate. Berry with fleshy to woody pericarp. Seeds usually 1–3, ovoid or plano-convex, with thin sarcotesta.
Petals 4–9.5 mm. Staminal tube 2–5.5 mm, cyathiform or shortly tubular, barbate at throat; anthers 9–17, 0.3–1.2 mm; pollen grains 45–80 µm long, ora lalongate. Ovary locules 1-or 2-(or 3-)ovulate.