Greyish-white woolly herb, probably perennial, stems many from the crown, much branched, prostrate, forming dense mats c. 100 mm in diam., woolly, leafy. Leaves mostly 5-10 x 1.5-2.5 mm, roughly half the length petiolar, oblanceolate or spathulate, tapering at both ends, both surfaces greyish-white woolly. Heads heterogamous, campanulate, 2.5 x 2 mm, several in small subcorymbose clusters at the branch tips. Involucral bracts in 3 series, backs woolly, outer shorter, inner subequal, exceeding flowers, sometimes with faint purplish red tinge above stereome, tips oblong, very obtuse, opaque white, radiating, eventually entire bract spreading horizontally. Receptacle nearly smooth. Flowers c. 26-30, 11-15 ('female'), 17-21 ('bisexual'). Achenes 0.5 mm long with myxogenic duplex hairs. Pappus bristles many, about equalling corolla, tips subplumose, bases with patent cilia, scarcely cohering.
Cushion-forming, grey-woolly perennial, forming dense mats ± 100 mm across. Leaves oblanceolate or spathulate. Flowerheads disciform, in subcorymbose clusters, tips of involucral bracts oblong, white, eventually entire bract spreading horizontally, bisexual florets more than female florets. Pappus with subplumose tips.