Stamens inserted at level of base of corolla lobes, with long slender filaments or subsessile; anthers extrorse or introrse.
Flowers 5–merous, fascicled or solitary, borne in axils of current and fallen leaves, long–pedicellate or sessile.
Leaves moderately coriaceous, lateral nerves fairly conspicuous, distant, curving towards leaf apex.
Seed compressed–ellipsoid; scar long, occupying lateral face; endosperm absent, cotyledons fleshy.
Corolla much exceeding calyx, lobes longer or shorter than tube.
Ovary ovoid, densely long–pilose, with slender style.
Stipules present, persistent or caducous.
Calyx of small sepals ± free to the base.
Staminodes present or absent.
Fruit a 1–seeded berry.
Trees and shrubs.