Perennial herb, usually glabrous; stems contracted, erect; stolons well-developed. Leaves tufted; lamina broadly reniform, 10–16 mm long, 18–32 mm wide, sometimes with scattered hairs on upper surface, apex broadly obtuse to truncate, margins with numerous prominent but shallow teeth, base very broadly cuneate to truncate, usually with a broad sinus; petiole 2–4 cm long; stipules narrowly triangular, 2–5 mm long, usually glandular-denticulate, free. Flower-scapes 4–12 cm long, exceeding leaves; bracteoles mostly below middle. Sepals lanceolate, 3–4 mm long, dark purple, acute, basal appendages small. Petals 6–10 mm long, blackish violet, usually grading to white at apex; anterior petal ovate to broadly ovate, (4–) 5–6 (–6.5) mm wide, usually emarginate, with 3 prominent central parallel veins, sometimes anastomosing, not spurred; lateral petals entire, twisted through 180 degrees, bearded in basal half. Capsule not developed to maturity.