Leafy monoecious (but dichasia typically unisexual) densely branched relatively small erect shrubs up to 50 cm. high; internodes of distal branches 20–30 mm. long, 2 mm. wide, distinctly flattened.. Leaves oblanceolate-obovate, 3–4 cm. long, 1–2 cm. wide, apically rounded-obtuse, basally cuneate without a well-defined petiole, conspicuously 3-veined on both surfaces.. Bracteal cups on peduncles 3–7 mm. long, dichasia usually unisexual (bracteal cups bearing staminate flowers apparently with shorter peduncles and occurring with much less frequency than those bearing pistillate flowers).. Flowers of both sexes generally occurring in triads (rarely up to 5).. Style absent; stigma a minute rounded knob surrounded by a slight depression at the summit of the otherwise flattened ovary.. Berries on a 1 mm. long pedicel, ellipsoid, 4 mm. high (possibly immature), ?smooth, pale white; tepalar ring-scar up to 1 mm. in diameter.. Fig. 3/12 (p. 8).