Leafless, monoecious, aerial, hemiparasitic subshrub, 0.3-0.5 m high, occasionally somewhat glaucous; internodes of stems rounded. Leaf scales acute, mostly on younger shoots. Staminate and pistillate flowers borne singly and sessile in bracteal cups, mostly 2 per node; staminate flowers with stamens united in a central synandrium. Flowering time July, Aug. Fruit a sessile, rotund berry, white, smooth; style persistent.
Leafless, except for scales on younger shoots, monoecious subshrub, up to 0.5 m high; commonly parasitic on species of Searsia (Rhus). Stems rounded; internodes 10-15 x 1-2 mm. Flowers: staminate and pistillate flowers borne singly and sessile in a bracteal cup; Aug.-May. Fruit sessile, rotund, smooth, white.
Like V. capense but monoecious, distal internodes 10-15 mm long and tapering apically to 1 mm wide, male flowers with united anthers.
Monoecious stem parasite to 50 cm. Leaves scale-like or lacking. Inflorescences bisexual. Berries sessile, smooth, white.