Leafless monoecious shrubs to 1 m. or more long, often pendulous with age; internodes of distal branches 15–25(–30) mm. long, 1–2 mm. wide, essentially rounded.. Bracteal cup sessile.. Staminate and pistillate flowers borne singly and sessile, the bracteal cup inconspicuous.. Staminate flowers often infrequent or rare (less than 20%), the anthers forming a central porate synandrium, not adnate to the tepals.. Style indistinct; stigma rounded, terminating the slightly elevated summit of the ovary.. Berries on 1–2 mm. long pedicels, ovoid-rotund, 6 mm. high, moderately tuberculate when immature, lightly tuberculate to nearly smooth at maturity, orange; tepalar ring-scar 3 mm. in diameter.. Fig. 4/5 (p. 15).