Tree to 20 m tall; trunk rough, shaggy; wood very hard; crown low, rounded; branches and branchlets light-gray or whitish, obtusely tetragonal, minutely puberulent, glabrescent, corky, densely lenticellate, more densely gray-puberulent on the younger parts. Leaves 3-foliolate, developing after the flowers; leaflets firmly chartaceous and thick when mature, elliptic, 4-14.8 cm long and 2.2-8 cm wide, apically acute or short-acuminate, entire, usually subrevolute along the margins when mature, shiny on both surfaces, dark-green above, bright-green beneath, glabrate on both surfaces, the lateral pair similar to the central leaflet but smaller; petioles 2.5-7 cm long, minutely and obscurely puberulent or gla-brate; petiolules 5-11 mm long, minutely puberulent, the central petiolule longer than the lateral pair. Inflorescences axillary, developed before the leaves. Flowers with the corolla purple or light-violet.