Tree, to 50 m tall, the trunk to 95 cm d.b.h.; branchlets stout and acutely tetragonal, mostly sulcate between the angles, densely furfuraceous-puberulent or short-pubescent with brownish hairs, somewhat lenticellate, glabrescent; twigs more densely brown-furfuraceous, often compressed. Leaves 3-5-foliolate, fully expanded at time of anthesis; leaflets subequal or the lowermost somewhat smaller, subcoriaceous, the central leaflet elliptic, 4.3-24.5 cm long and 1.8-10.3 cm wide, entire, apically acute or obtuse, often subrevolute along the margins, basally acute, light-green on both surfaces, glabrous and often subbullate-rugose above, densely short-pubescent beneath, the lateral leaflets similar but usually smaller, the vein reticulation usually impressed above and sharply prominent beneath, petioles 2-8.5 cm long, densely brown-furfuraceous; stout furfuraceous, margined petiolules 1-9 mm long. Inflorescences axillary, paniculate, 6.5-18.5 cm