Leaves 3-sometimes 5-foliolate; petiole (1)3–7 cm long, terete; median petiolule 0.2–1.0 cm long; leaflets (1.5)3–9 × (1)1.5–4 cm, oblong-elliptic to narrow obovate, rounded-obtuse or in apical leaves shortly acuminate to acute at the apex, occasionally emarginate, cuneate at the base, entire or sometimes margin ± crenate in upper half, somewhat chartaceous, drying a dark olive-green, paler beneath, ± scabridulous above with minute bristles, sparsely puberulous to shortly lanate in young leaves beneath with hairs mainly on the nerves, gland-dotted, nerves not or slightly raised above, raised beneath, the blade flat not bullate.
Shrub, (1.0-)2.4-4.0(-5.0) m high. Adaxial surfaces of leaflets sparsely hairy, scabrous. Flowers small, 5-10 mm long. Calyx cup-shaped in fruit. Ovary glabrous in upper half. Fruit fleshy, spherical. Flowers mauve.
Fruit an ellipsoid-spherical drupe, 0.9–1.3 × 0.7–0.9 cm, apex rounded, the lower c. 1/3 enclosed in the enlarged calyx, black at maturity; fruiting calyx cup-shaped, pubescent, not gland-dotted.
Corolla c. 8 mm long, shortly lanate outside, not gland-dotted; tube creamy-white, 4–5 mm long, curved; lobes mauve, at an obtuse angle to the tube, middle lower lobe 2–2.3 × 2–2.3 mm.
Inflorescences axillary, patent spreading, of ± sturdy densely-flowered compound dichasia, 3–10 cm long, orange-tawny tomentose; bracteoles 0.5–1.5 cm long, usually linear.
Calyx obconical, 5-lobed, gland-dotted, lanate outside with shortly tangled pilose hairs, accrescent in fruit; tube 2–3 mm long; lobes 0.5–1.3(2) mm long, erect.
Many-stemmed, spreading shrub (1)2.5–4(5) m tall; bark fissured, grey to greyish-brown; young branches orange-tawny tomentellous to shortly lanate on new growth.
A spreading shrub. It has many stems. It grows 3-4 m high. The leaves have 3-5 leaflets. The fruit is oval and fleshy. It is 1 cm long and slightly less wide.
Ovary globose, rounded and pubescent at the apex; not gland-dotted; style 3.5–4.5 mm long.
Stamens not exserted from the corolla tube; filaments with glandular hairs.