An early-ripening, yellow-green, seedless table grape for fresh market or raisins. Origin: near Thermal, Calif., by Howard B. Keck, Jr. USPP 8499; 14 Dec. 1993; assigned to Brighton Farming Co., Thermal, Calif. A sport of Superior Seedless; discovered in 1986. Tree: Fruit: variable oval; medium to large; 125 berries/cluster; yellow-green; skin thick, tough and adheres to the pulp; meaty; texture soft, tender, firm and crisp; flavor sweet with slight muskiness; seedless; good to excellent storage and shipping quality; ripens 25 May to 5 June near Thermal, Calif., ≈11 days earlier than Superior Seedless. Cluster: large, 600 to 1100 g; two to five clusters/shoot; irregular shape; double-shouldered; loose to medium berry density.