Red, seedless, late-ripening table grape. Origin: in Fresno, Calif., by David W. Ramming and Ronald Tarallo, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Horticultural Crops Res. Lab., and Sayed A. Badr, California State Univ. Not patented. C133-199 × Emperor; selected in 1983; tested as C102-26; introd. in 1989. Berry: medium (4.0 g, 20.8 mm long, 16.6 mm in diam.); cylindrical to oval; responds to gibberellic acid, although rates used for Thompson Seedless cause excessive thinning and a thickened, rigid rachis and pedicel resulting in excessive shatter; ripens in early October in Fresno, slightly before Emperor; has achieved 19% soluble solids and a sugar:acid ratio of >20:1; flesh is light yellow, translucent, meaty, firm; skin bright red with thick, white bloom, thick, medium tough, and does not separate from flesh; flavor sweet, neutral; contains two aborted, soft seeds that are very small and undetectable when eaten; holds on vine well and does not crack. Cluster: well-filled to slightly compact; medium (0.5 kg weight, length 20 cm); conical with a shoulder. Tree: Fruit: