Origin: in Bucks County, Pa., by G.W. Remaily, Hammondsport, N.Y. [retired, New York State Agr. Expt. Sta. (NYSAES), Geneva]. Introd. in 1980. Lady Patricia (Seyve Villard 20-365 × Seibel 14665) × NY 33979 (Russian Seedless × Ontario). Cross made in 1965; selected in 1974 by Robert M. Pool, NYSAES, as a dessert selection; tested as N.Y. 65.085.1. Cluster: large; tapered; attractive. Berry: medium; oval; skin light green, adherent, slightly tough, resistant to cracking; flavor neutral; ripens with Concord or about 10 Oct. at Geneva; good holding quality. Tree: Fruit: