Early midseason, seedless, green table grape. Origin: in Summerland, B.C., by A.G. Reynolds, M.J. Bouthillier, D.A. Wardle, and L.G. Denby, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Research Station. Not patented. Vineland 37034 (Seneca × Golden Muscat) × Romulus; selected in 1984; tested as Summerland Selection 495; introd. in 1996. Tree: Fruit: green; seedless; large (>2.5 g); elliptical; nonslipskin, moderately crisp flesh; thin but slightly astringent skin; mild, fruity flavor; soluble solids average 19.6%; ripens early rnidseason or about 18 Sept. at Summerland. Cluster: large (>200 g); moderately well-filled; triangular and winged; attractive; slight tendency for clusters to shatter if allowed to become overripe; stores satisfactorily for 6 weeks at 2 °C with polyethylene covering and SO2 pads.