Plants medium-sized or large; green, yellowish, brownish, or blackish. Stem irregularly branched; pseudoparaphyllia broad, triangular to suborbicular or irregular; axillary hairs with 1-2-celled upper part, this hyaline or pale brownish. Stem leaves falcate-secund or straight, erect-patent to almost spreading, more erect when dry, ovate or narrow-ovate, narrowing gradually to apex, not plicate, concave; apex acuminate or rather long-acuminate; margin denticulate near apex, other-wise entire, with wide border of (3-)4-8-stratose cells, strongly deviating from rest of lamina; costa single or with an occasional branch, long, ending slightly below leaf apex to excurrent or long-excurrent, (63.0-)82.0-210.0 pm wide near base, sometimes with scattered prorate cells on back above; median laminal cells 12.0-56.5(-65.0) x 4.0-9.5 pm, unistratose or partially to completely 2-4-stratose, thin-walled or slightly incrassate, slightly collenchymatous, eporose; alar cells not differentiated from other basal cells. Inner perichaetial leaves ovate or lanceolate-ovate. Lower outside of exostome cross-striolate.