Bushy perennial or small shrub with opposite leaves and branches; indumentum of jointed, minutely barbellate hairs. Leaves entire. Inflorescence a narrow bracteate thyrse with compact pedunculate partial inflorescences; partial inflorescences basically of ultimate bracteolate triads of 1 fertile and 2 bracteolate sterile flowers, 2 triads normally set on each side of an ebracteolate fertile flower, but fertile flowers sometimes scattered only. Fertile flowers hermaphrodite with 5 perianth-segments which are all similar in form. Stamens 5; filaments filiform, alternating with truncate pseudostaminodes which are adnate to the filaments for most of their length to form a basal membrane; anthers bilocular. Ovary with a single pendulous ovule, glabrous, turbinate, rounded above with a circumferential free “skirt” about the middle, appearing as if furnished with a scutellate cap; style filiform; stigma capitate. Sterile flowers of narrow bracteole-like processes and smooth bristles which greatly lengthen as the fertile flowers mature. Fruit a thin-walled indehiscent capsule, the entire partial inflorescence apparently falling in fruit. Endosperm copious.