Old stems woody, in the ground, the aerial herbaceous, erect, very numerous, 4-8 cm high, in tufts or bunches. Leaves opposite, spreading or slightly recurved, 1-1.5 mm long, rigid, triangular, the edges thickened, entire or with a few cilia-like teeth at the base. Flowers crowded at the tips, pedicels erect, 2 mm long, each with a few pairs of very small leaves. Calyx lobes hispid, 1 mm long, rigid, often toothed. Corolla blue or purplish, 4-5 mm long, more or less hispid, the tube as long as the lobes and longer than the calyx lobes. Bases of the filaments narrowly elliptical, densely ciliate, the entangled cilia cohering. Style thickened at the top: stigma usually 4-fid. Ovary almost superior, discoid, usually 4-chambered, rarely 3 or 5. Valves in fruit longer than the calyx lobes.
Like W. brachyphylla but sepals strongly keeled, flowers blue.