Erect woody shrublet with solitary stems 15-60 cm high, either unbranched or with few ascending branches. Young stems brown, shortly hairy. Leaves alternate, brightish green, not fasciculate, ascending and loosely appressed, linear-lanceolate, 5-8 mm long, 2-3 mm wide, flat, acute, usually glabrous, the edges revolute, entire or with 1 or more small teeth at the base. Inflorescence contracted, spike-like, the branches ascending and appressed. Pedicels hispid, 2-6 mm long, the flowers solitary or in groups of 2-3. Calyx lobes about 3 mm long, acute, the edges slightly revolute, the midrib projecting. Corolla cream-white, 6-10 mm long, the tube very short. Bases of the filaments oblong, ciliate at the top. Ovary hispid, turbinate, 2 mm long. Fruit almost urceolate, subglabrous, the valves slightly shorter than the calyx lobes.
Like W. unidentata but leaves broader, oblong-lanceolate and flowers larger, 6-10 mm diam.