Erect herb, up to 500 mm tall. Leaves linear, up to 12 mm long, 1.5 mm broad, margin cartilaginous, denticulate. Corolla 5.0-7.5 mm long, tube at least half the length of corolla and longer than calyx lobes. Testa almost smooth. Flowers blue or mauve.
Ovary 3–locular, semi–inferior; style somewhat shorter than the corolla, eglandular, thickened in the upper 1·5–2 mm., hairy below; lobes 3, c. 0·6·mm. long.
Leaves up to 12 x 1·5 mm., alternate, sessile, erecto–patent, linear, acute with truncate base, ± hirsute or glabrous; margin incrassate, denticulate.
Corolla 5–7·5 mm. long, lobed to less than 2 the length, blue to white, puberulous inside near the base; tube 2·5–4 mm. long.
Sterns many from a taproot, usually with persistent leaf–bases, ± hirsute at the base with usually retrorse hairs.
Calyx–lobes 1·5–2·5 mm. long, 4; straight, glabrous, sparsely denticulate, often involute.
Seeds 0·3–0·4 mm. long, elliptic in outline, ± trigonous; testa almost smooth.
Inflorescence lax; pedicels up to 10 mm. long, shortly pubescent to glabrous.
Stamens with filament–bases ± rhombic, ciliate; anthers 1·5–2 mm. long.
Hypanthium obconical, 10–nerved, shortly pubescent to glabrous.
Capsule 3–locular, 10–nerved; valves 3, c. 1–1·5 mm. long.
Perennial, ± erect herb, 15–50 cm. tall.