Probably perennial, usually glabrous, sometimes stem and leaves (midrib, margin) with sparse bristle-like hairs. Stems ascending, 10-25 cm long, sulcate. Leaves +-uniform in shape, thickish, 2-11 by 0.5-3 mm. Flowers solitary. Pedicels 2-7 cm. Calyx lobes 5, ± spreading, linear-lanceolate, acute to acuminate, usually entire, always longer than the ovary, 2.5-4 mm long. Corolla tube about twice as long as the calyx lobes, sometimes longer, 6.5-8 mm; lobes 5, ovate, acute, 5-10 mm. Filaments linear-triangular, 2½-3½ mm. Ovary obconical, 3-celled, 1.2-3 mm; style slightly shorter than the corolla tube, 5.5-7 mm; stigma 3-lobed, (1-)1½-3 mm long. Fruit slightly wider than long, 3-valved, 2-3 mm diam., crowned by the recurved calyx lobes.
Wet, grassy, open places along streams, once noted on sandstone, 3400-4000 m.