Slender, prostrate or decumbent, much branched, forming close masses. Stems woody at the base only, up to 25 cm long. Leaves not fasciculate opposite, ovate, about 3 mm long, 2-2.5 mm wide, acute, cordate at the base, entire, thickened at the edges, flat or very slightly concave above, usually reflexed, often crowded and overlapping. Flowers 1-3, in the uppermost axils: pedicels hairy, erect, 3-6 mm long. Calyx lobes 5 mm long, acute, with thickened edges, revolute in the later phases. Corolla white, deep blue or purple outside, about 7 mm long, the tube less than 1 mm, the lobes gradually narrowed to the cucullate tip. Bases of the filaments as broad as or broader than long, obtusely 3-lobed, very shortly ciliate. Ovary about half inferior, obconical, shortly pubescent. Style not thickened: stigma 3-fid. Fruit pointed at the base, 2 mm long, the valves about as long as the erect calyx lobes, longer than the lower part.
Mat-forming, closely leafy shrublet to 5 cm. Leaves opposite, imbricate, spreading or recurved, ovate, concave, keeled below. Flowers 1-3 in upper axils, white, ± 5 mm diam., tube to 1 mm long, ovary subglabrous.