Stems woody, decumbent, 15-40 cm long, branched mostly from the base, the younger covered with very short hairs. Leaves linear, ascending, rather crowded, flat or concave above, bulged or obtusely keeled below, toothed on the edges especially near the base, the lower 1-3 cm long, alternate, often fasciculate, the upper 0.5-1 cm long, more distant, often partly opposite, spreading. Flowers pedicellate, commonly in a narrow raceme-like panicle either close or lax. Pedicels slender, 0.3-2.5 cms long: bracts usually shorter than the pedicels. Calyx lobes 1.5-2 mm, long, acute, bulged on the back, the edges minutely toothed and revolute at the fruiting stage. Corolla 6-8 mm long, white, fading to yellowish, often with blue streaks outside: tube shorter than the calyx lobes: lobe, coarsely hairy on the back. Bases of the filaments oblong or oblong-rhombic, acute, densely but shortly ciliate at the top. Style blue but white at the top: stigma 2-or 3-fid. Ovary inferior, hemispherical, usually covered with short spreading hairs, 3-or 2-chambered. Valves half or less as long as the calyx lobes.
Erect shrublet to 40 cm. Leaves often tufted, alternate or opposite, sometimes recurved, linear, slightly toothed below. Flowers in narrow, raceme-like panicles, white or cream-coloured, 5-8 mm diam., tube ± 1 mm long, ovary hairy.