Stems many, 15-40 cm high, woody at the base only, unbranched or branched from the base, the younger hispidulous. Leaves fasciculate, mostly opposite, spreading or reflexed, linear, 4-9 mm long, 1 mm wide, slightly concave above, the midrib projecting below, the edges thickened and remotely toothed. Lower leaves crowded, the upper distant. Inflorescence a spike-like panicle 2-8 cm long, usually with long internodes in the lower part. Bracts alternate, leaf-like but only 3-4 mm long. Flowers distant or crowded, most often in groups of 2, 3 or 5. Pedicels hispid, ascending, 2-4 mm long. Calyx hispidulous, the lobes 2 mm long, concave inwards. Corolla blue, about 5 mm long, the lobes acute, the tube very short. Bases of the filaments obovate, shortly ciliate at the top. Style distinctly thickened in the upper half. Ovary hispidulous, rounded below, 1 mm long. Fruit hemispherical, 1-1.5 mm long, with 10 ribs: valves shorter than the calyx lobes.
Shrublet, 15-40 cm. Leaves often tufted, mostly opposite, spreading or reflexed, linear, margins thickened and minutely toothed. Flowers clustered in upper axils, blue, ± 5 mm diam., tube obsolete, ovary half-inferior, hairy.