Ovary 2–locular, semi–inferior; style c. as long as or somewhat shorter than the corolla, eglandular, glabrous or ± hairy below, slightly thickened in the upper part, subcapitate and with 2 very short lobes at the apex.
Leaves 2–12 x 0·2–1(1·6) mm., alternate, sessile, basal ones ± ovate, caducous, stem leaves linear to narrowly lanceolate, acute; margin incrassate with a few denticles; midvein prominent beneath, lateral veins obscure.
Corolla 2·4–3·5(5) mm. long, white or bluish, split almost to the base into lanceolate lobes.
Seeds 0·45–0·6 mm. long, elliptic in outline with acute ends, trigonous; testa almost smooth.
Annual slender ± trailing or straggling herb, 10–50 cm. tall, glabrous.
Filament–bases narrowly dilated, ± ciliate; anthers 0·35–0·5 mm. long.
Capsule 2–locular, 5(–10)–nerved; valves 2, 0·6–1·4 mm. long.
Stem usually branching only in upper part, furrowed.
Inflorescence lax; pedicels 6–32 mm. long.
Hypanthium 5(–10)–nerved, glabrous.
Calyx–lobes 0·6–1·4 mm. long.