Ovary 2–locular, semi–inferior; style c. as long as the corolla, thickened in the upper 1–2·5 mm., eglandular, glabrous below; lobes 2, broad and distinct.
Stems few to several, wiry, of purplish colour at least towards the base, usually branched in upper part only, glabrous or rarely puberulous at the base.
Corolla (4)5–8 mm. long, white to yellowish or?pale pink, split almost to the base into linear lobes.
Seeds (0·5)0·7–0·8 mm. long, elliptic in outline with acute ends, trigonous; testa almost smooth.
Stamens with filament–bases dilated, ciliate–pubescent; anthers 1·6–2·4 mm. long.
Capsule 2–locular, 5(–7)–nerved; valves 2, c. 1 mm. long.
Inflorescence lax; pedicels up to 30 mm. long, glabrous.
Hypanthium obconical, 5(7)–nerved, glabrous.
Calyx–lobes 0·8–1·6 mm. long, entire.
Perennial erect herb, 20–50 cm. tall.