Erect, terrestrial, highland herbs with lanceolate, acute or acuminate, plicate, strongly veined leaves contracted at the base into a short, stout, sheathing petiole, either with or without an enclosed, short, cylindric, tapering pseudobulb. In-florescence an erect, leafless raceme produced from the axil of the lowest basal, petiolar bract. Flowers relatively large and conspicuous. Sepals subequal, con-cave, the bases of the laterals oblique and adnate to the column foot. Petals sub-equal to the sepals but usually broader. Lip entire, the lateral margins erect; apex spreading, emarginate, 2-lobed, obscurely apiculate or entire; disk lamellate; base of the lip adnate to the column foot. Column elongate, semiterete, with a short basal foot. Anther terminal, operculate, incumbent; pollinia 2 to 4, broadly semiglobose, waxy.