Perennial herb, geophyte, 0.4-1.0 m high; corm depressed-globose, tunics brown, coarsely reticulate; stem usually simple. Leaves ensiform, margins and midribs strongly thickened, hyaline. Bracts reddish, inner usually entire. Inflorescence an elongate spike; flowers scarlet, zygomorphic; perianth tube elongate, 40-50 mm long, tubular above; tepals obovate-oblong, 20-24 mm long. Stamens unilateral, arcuate below upper tepal; filaments 35-45 mm long, well exserted; anthers 7-10 mm long, contiguous, violet. Ovary 3 mm long, oblong; style arching over filaments. Flowering time Oct.-Dec. Capsule subglobose to obovoid.
Cormous geophyte, 40-100 cm. Leaves sword-shaped, with very thick margins. Flowers scarlet, tube elongate. Capsules obovoid.