Tree. Leaves spirally arranged, entire, coriaceous, penninerved, petioled. Flowers bisexual, generally pedicelled, uni-or biseriate towards the ± recurved end of secondary peduncles, the latter 3 or 4 as a cross-like umbel on top of a common axillary and solitary peduncle. Calyx cup-shaped, entire, persistent and ± flattened below fruit. Petals (4-)5, oblong, valvate, free in the uppermost part, remaining connate below at full anthesis, apex inflexed, with a conspicuous midrib inside, caducous. Stamens (4-)5, inserted at the very base of the petals; filaments linear, fleshy, with longish subclavate white hairs below the anther cells inside and at the connective outside; anther cells linear, thecae diverging below, basifixed. Disk annular, flat, rather obscure. Ovary ovoid-conical, apex truncate, i.e. inverted there and forming a kind of cup, with the small hardly bilobed unilateral stigma on its inner edge. Drupe oblong-ellipsoid, smooth and reddish in the lower ¾, papillose and greyish-yellowish in the upper ¼ part, exocarp thin, with an outer fibrous, and an inner crustaceous layer. Seed 1, ellipsoid-subquadrangular, with a lengthwise depression around the middle; embryo small, in the apex of the copious albumen.