Leaf-lamina 1·6–6·5 × 1·8–8·2 cm., membraneous, thin, ovate to broadly ovate in outline, punctate or asperulous above, glabrous or with a few setulae on main veins beneath, moderately to rather deeply or rarely obscurely palmately 5-lobed, the lobes triangular, ovate, broadly elliptic or elliptic, the central largest, rather coarsely and remotely sinuate-denticulate in upper part, sometimes sublobulate, obtuse to acute, apiculate, the lateral shorter.
Female flowers solitary and usually co-axillary with male infloresence or 1–2 in shortly racemiform or subumbelliform bisexual (with 1–7 male lowers) pedunculate axillary clusters; peduncles 0·9–3·0 cm. long; pedicels of racemose flowers 2–7 mm. long, of solitary flowers 2–6(14) mm. long; ovary 2·7–4 mm. long, ellipsoid or broadly ellipsoid, shortly rostrate; perianth as in male flower.
male flowers solitary or 1–9 in shortly racemiform male or bisexual (with 1–2 female flowers) pedunculate axillary clusters, usually co-axillary with a solitary female or sometimes male flower; peduncles 0·3–3·8 cm. long; pedicels 2·5–4(10) mm. long. Receptacle-tube 2·0–3·5 mm. long; lobes 0·2–0·7 mm. long, dentiform. Petals 2–3 mm. long, cream.
Fruits 8–11 mm. in diameter, glabrous, globose, bluish when mature; pedicels 3–14 mm. long.
Seeds 2·7–3·5 × 1·6–1·9 × 0·2–0·3 mm., ovate or elliptic, smooth, compressed.
Petioles 0·7–7 cm. long, glabrous or sparsely spiculate.
Flowers monoecious.
Stems glabrous.