Raceme of few to many fls; floral bracts membr. to foliaceous. Per. glab.; dorsal sepal uppermost, concave, ± arched over column; lateral sepals and petals narrower. Labellum shortly if at all clawed, undivided and with entire margins and 2 basal calli. Column semi-terete, incurved above; anther standing at least partly above stigma, pollinia mealy; stigma prominent; rostellum us. 2-lobed. Plants terrestrial, glab.; tubers small, globose, the new ones often remote from the parent plant. Green lf solitary, petiolate on non-flowering stems, sessile on flowering stem; lamina short and broad, length rarely 2 × width. Some 20 spp. described, most of them from New Caledonia; of 5 Australian spp. 3 are represented in N.Z. Also recently recorded from Solomon Is and New Guinea.