Flowers 4-merous or 5-merous. Hypanthium subglobose to broadly campan-ulate. Calyx-tube none or very short; sepals triangular to ovate or oblong, equaling or exceeding the hypanthium. Petals usually small, mostly obovate. Stamens di-morphic, the epipetalous series smaller or in some species imperfect. Anthers obovoid to subulate; connective in the episepalous series prolonged below the thecae, bearing at base two rounded to linear, anterior appendages; that of the epipetalous stamens shorter or not prolonged, with two short or tuberculiform appendages. Ovary free, usually subglobose, 2-to 4-celled; style slender; stigma punctiform or truncate. Capsule 2-to 4-valved; seeds ovoid or oblong, more or less cochleate, minutely foveolate. Herbaceous or suffrutescent, simple or freely branched plants, with small, dentate to entire leaves and small, axillary or paniculate, white to pink or purple flowers.