Plants forming dense clumps with pseudobulbs supported by true roots and surrounded by a mass of white aerial roots. Pseudobulbs onion-like, 30–70 × 30–40 mm, pale green. Leaves 2–4, 150–200 × 20–25 mm, dark green. Panicles arching, 200–600 mm long, multiflowered. Flowers 4–5 mm across, cream or pinkish with white labellum. Sepals and petals narrow, widely spreading. Dorsal sepal 4–5 × 1 mm. Lateral sepals fused, boat-shaped, 4–5 × 1.5 mm. Petals 4–5 × 1 mm. Labellum 4–5 × 4 mm, 3-lobed; lateral lobes spreading, broadly triangular; mid-lobe short with two prominent calli.
Widespread and common in hot, humid lowland areas; growing on trees in rainforests, along rainforest margins and on palms and trees in swamps; often on paper-barked species of Melaleuca, Swamp Mahogany and the upper trunks of palms and screw-palms (Pandanus species), with the true roots spreading through the fibrous leaf bases.