Lianas, woody, or sprawling trees. Leaflets (sub)opposite, papery to subleathery; stipules caducous; stipels caducous or absent. Inflorescences terminal or supra-axillary in well-developed pseudopanicles; bracts shorter than corresponding buds; bracteoles caducous. Calyx with cupular or campanulate tube, subtruncate or with distinct teeth. Petals glabrous or slightly pubescent; standard truncate to subcordate, with or without calluses; wings free from keel at least proximally. Stamens diadelphous, vexillary stamen free from other 9. Disk present; ovary with 1-10 ovules. Legumes compressed, woody; abaxial or both sutures with longitudinal wing. Seeds 1 to several per legume; hilum eccentric; radicle short, straight.