Shrubs evergreen, epiphytic, rarely terrestrial trees, usually with a swollen rootstock. Leaves spirally arranged, subopposite, or pseudoverticillate, subsessile or shortly petiolate, margin entire or serrate. Flowers axillary, in racemes, corymbs, or fascicles, or solitary. Pedicel articulate, sometimes expanded and forming a cup apically; bracteoles basal, small. Flowers 5-merous. Calyx sometimes 5-winged or-angled; limb 5-fid or deeply-lobed. Corolla red, rarely white or yellow, ± plain colored or with dark colored zig-zag horizontal bands, tubular, rarely globose, urceolate, or campanulate, often more than 1 cm, usually shortly 5-lobed. Stamens 10, ± as long as corolla; filaments short or long; anthers dorsally spurred or not, with 2 long tubules opening by apical pores or slits. Disk annular. Ovary inferior, many ovules per carpel, 10-pseudoloculed by false partitions; stigma small, truncate or capitate. Berry globose, succulent or nearly dry; calyx persistent. Seeds several; testa hard or mucilaginous.